Current Synthesis on Water Resources

Proposed: Water Resources Allocated Proportional to Regional and Community Population Needs
An agreed upon comfortable standard of living met via a standard Water supply that is provided for communities based on region and population.

This matter requires attention from folks who are knowledgeable in water purification, irrigation, civil engineering, farming, permaculture, circular economies, and so on.

Existing Solutions

I would love to see solutions such as Mr. Beast's 30year Water Wells be assessed for negative impacts, side effects or other possibly undesirable byproducts. When simple approaches to problems can be identified as stable, sustainable, safe and relevant, then they can be streamlined to all the communities that share similar landscape and topographies.

Solutions for differing environments can mimic this streamlined approach to solving their own water needs accordingly. I understand Israel's desalination solutions are state-of-the-art. How costly are they? Where else can they be replicated and at what costs?

Let's avoid involving consulting costly and backtracking (if not backstabbing) companies like McKinsey (see When McKinsey Comes to Town, Bogdanich & Forsythe, 2022); let's directly leverage the hands-on experience and knowledge of real-world engineers and designers through exchanges on platforms like this one until we clarify all the necessary approaches to deal with water needs for (human, animal and plant) populations all over the world!