Preliminary Migration and Transition Plan
Can/should we transition one area on the planet that has the potential of being fully self-sustaining and use this as a solid pilot project, sandbox for iteration and eventual proof of concept before phasing over all other sections?
If we have no pilot project or prototype to help us streamline to our ideal world, we would need to identify the order in which we will phase over all of the various aspects of the Blueprint, aiming for safety, seamlessness, effectiveness and efficiency, as we break down each possible concern that we can collectively brainstorm together. We will surely miss a few and encounter unforeseen circumstances since none of us can see into the future, but our past has shown us that we can be pretty rigorous at identifying the vast majority of pitfalls we could possibly encounter - IFF we all share our various perspectives in a constructive manner the same way a (randomly selected) jury is used to help a judge reach what is most likely to be the 'true' ruling.