Nations are glorified gladiators.
The better you do in the economical game, the better you are treated, the more fame you gain, the more all other gladiators want to be like you; want to be you.
Your passport represents your ranking on the global scale, and the visa system is the list of moves you - and your team members - can make during the game.
If a gladiator becomes so strong that they step out of line, getting other gladiators to destroy you is a simple set of propaganda techniques, which have been developed and perfected over millennia. The advent of the internet makes it all too easy to propagate any desired opinion to any member at anytime.
It is therefore easy to predetermine the electives that represent each gladiator nation. Overturning any government that doesn't play nice. Doesn't play by the predetermined expectations of keeping quality learning experiences out of reach, and dogmatic schooling rampant instead. Doesn't allow for unity with fellow citizens but suspecting, fearing, hating and warring instead. The team members - a nation's citizens - are merely slaves; their representatives their slave masters.
Our concept of freedom, taught to us, inculcated and indoctrinated, is flawed. We need NOT fear from other invading nations, their rule and their legislation. The freedom we first need to seek is from our very own minds. Our minds that have been poured over with blinding patriotic paint to the extent that we no longer see our human brothers and sisters as neighbours in our inclusive community but as foreign and alien. We rather die for a flag than stand in unity with life and humanity. We rather shoot to kill over imaginary borders than protect and defend those who have been manipulated and mislead.
We simply stop believing in nations and the nations no longer exist. Done. Capouf!
We ask military to drop weapons. If anyone shoots, EVERYONE shoots them. 'Til no one is shooting anymore. Anarchy? Perhaps at first, but I sincerely and honestly doubt it. The manipulated will quickly realize how irrational it is to shoot anyone when there are no nations to die for. No representatives to die for. No flag to die for, only to die for our fellow neighbour, whoever they may be. What about property? Give every person an acre of land that they can happily work into a home.
We stop believing the current financial system and Pouff! That's gone too.
We build a new crypto that is balanced over all the continents and where all management decisions are made through referendums or large boardrooms of thousands who must ALL agree on the decisions to be made - or no decision is made at all. Yes, if one person disagrees, no on agrees. Will things move forward? Only if everyone is on board to do so. Incompetence will hinder outcome? Not if we build a free quality learning system that empowered everyone to think rationally and morally all by themselves. Yes, everyone is capable of the same morality as you and I, if only we gave them access to the tools and to the life choices we had - AND if we stopped living the way we currently allow our twisted societies to run.
Give 100k per living person - and to all those who will be new to life - as "a welcome to life gift" No more illegalities; no more black markets, no more segregated economy that functions like a ball in chain tying everyone's livelihoods to it. Only consideration, kindness and meritocracy.
If I died tomorrow, the universe wouldn't change. If you died tomorrow, the universe wouldn't change. So what're we waiting for, to change ourselves while we still can?
Do as you please. I want to learn to dance with life and all that is in it.
Let's learn to dance well together.