Is OneHouse currently free? How can it remain sustainable? Why make it free?
Yes, OneHouse and all its blueprint projects are currently, and will always remain free.
(The next 3 sentences are technical and possibly boring - skip, or proceed at your own risk)
Onehouse is currently setup on an open source (free) Ubuntu linux server operating system (latest stable distribution at the time of installation in late 2022).
It also uses open sources services including Nginx, MySql/MariaDB, PHP, Sendmail and MediWiki.
It is running on a virtual server slice that my brother already rents out for a friend who is hosting a website that aims to be corporate but with (I think) excellent SEG goals.
Technical Challenge: I was able to configure Sendmail and send a test email to my gmail account from this server. I could not get MediaWiki to send confirmation emails from user accounts using the local Sendmail service. I had to use a gmail account to do this, which creates limitations on how many free emails can go out every day. If you have any suggestions or recommendations or wish to help troubleshoot this matter, please feel free to contact me at any time (using if you like).