Purpose, Mission and Vision

Revision as of 23:40, 6 October 2023 by Charbel (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==== The Vision ==== Reinvent our reality ==== The Mission ==== Design a blueprint for an alternate reality based on everyone's vote - a reinvented vote, that is your voice; your thoughts; your opinions. ==== The Purpose - A Short History... ==== As I write this journal entry on the final day (30th) of the ninth month (September) in 2023, well-respected media outlets such as the BBC are discussing how Discovering Alien Lifeform is Now, Only a Matter of Time!; how Unlim...")
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The Vision

Reinvent our reality

The Mission

Design a blueprint for an alternate reality based on everyone's vote - a reinvented vote, that is your voice; your thoughts; your opinions.

The Purpose - A Short History...

As I write this journal entry on the final day (30th) of the ninth month (September) in 2023, well-respected media outlets such as the BBC are discussing how Discovering Alien Lifeform is Now, Only a Matter of Time!; how Unlimited Energy through Nuclear Fusion is Now, Achievable; and how Superconductivity, or frictionless energy transfer Is possible. We have had countless renowned scientists and psychologists - and these include Abraham Maslow, who is relentlessly referenced all around the world for his intuitive and practically self-evident Hierarchy of Needs - confirm that humans are either neutral or kind in nature - Not violent or evil. We have statisticians such as Hans Rosling who have studied human advancement for decades and published books such as Factfulness to contrast and show just how innovative and capable humans have been, and continue to Be, today.

I have yet to see a culture that does not teach its kids not to judge a book by its cover, or that it's what's inside that counts. That we should try walking a mile in a person's shoes before judging them. Yet, for various and perhaps valid reasons, many academics, intellectuals, blue collar, white collar, entrepreneurs, retirees, or even teenagers whom I've met around the world, are often quick to tell me how humans are greedy, or selfish, or evil, or lazy, or incapable, or... everything but "good". They tell me that people can be strange and are to be feared. They tell me how this very endeavour, this dialogue, is and idealist and utopian dream. On the other hand, the very few who Do believe in people's kindness and potential, they - perhaps accurately - believe that our leaders and those in current positions of power, wealth and influence will do all that they can to destroy this movement, to keep this simple idea from flourishing.

I have yet to meet a purely evil person who is out to kill or do anything harmful without (subjective) rational grounds that stem from the (irrational) structure(s) of our many societies existing as We accept them today. This may sound naiive, but I would like to humbly consider how being born in war-torn Lebanon (10yrs), raised in Canada (25yrs), moving to West Africa and East Asia(10yrs), and having studied and worked in a multitude of capacities with people of all ages, backgrounds, skillsets and 'classes' (30yrs), should at least give me some idea of how things seem to work on the various grounds I've set foot on.

So the (seemingly impossible) idea here, is to reduce the (purposely constructed?) complexities of our world into a prosperous global reality that we all envision together. In other words, this platform was built to facilitate worldwide constructive and collaborative dialogue to help us reinvent how we live on this earth - reinvent our reality. Everyone needs to take part. Everyone's Vote, that is to say, everyone's Voice, is not only welcome but necessary; if we're to draw out a blueprint that can satisfy everyone's immediate needs and perhaps even, dare I suggest, future desires. No more ballots full of other people's names. It's your name and your voice that matter.

If this sounds like science fiction, it is not. If it sounds meaningless, I would argue that there is nothing more meaningful at the moment if we wish to have any chance at survival as a species. We have scientists such as Neil Tyson underlining the need for global cooperation in producing the next wave of energy sources, ensuring its accessibility to everyone and not only to a certain power and its allies, if we are to have any chance at surviving climate change - whether you believe in its impacts or not. We have historians such as Yuval Harari, author of Sapiens and Homo Deus, warning the world about how AI could drastically morph the current balance of power if it is developed privately, underlining the need for global cooperation if we are to stand a chance. We have respectable mathematicians who define themselves as Doomers, suggesting that the survival of our species is well past its threshold; that we're likely to drive ourselves extinct through one of many possible outcomes, which not only include the common topics such as Global Warming and Nuclear War, but also the less discussed and much more likely outcomes relating to superbugs and other antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Our current answers to these global challenges include wealthy institutions such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) working on changes such as the Great Reset which aim to supersede governmental agency and independence and centralizing ultimate control, and therefore power, in unelected corporate hands. We have individuals such as Jordan Peterson attempting to face these challenges by creating his own group of intellectuals to identify the changes needed to make this world a better place. Of course, by definition, such small pockets of people are no different or are comparable to the WEF and their endeavours - a small group of people trying to solve everyone's problems based on their limited perceptions (no offense intended here as all intentions to do good are welcome, but the approach is limited by definition as such a conversation is in itself limited to the 2000 handpicked participants, selected by Dr Peterson and his entourage).

One can ask where the governments come into play, but it seems their priorities have very limited and self-centered scopes placing their own economical benefits above international and environmental interests. When I ask diplomats what their missions are, the answers have often (without exception, really) been limited to international trade agreements. It's as though local economies trump all other interests, which as historical trends have shown time and time again, inherently nurtures incentives that distort the balance of all things and generate endless harmful environmental and societal outcomes for the benefit of profit and capital gain. Such harm include the obvious green house emissions, as well as indirect or covert "civilized slavery", as my driver in Sierra Leone dubbed it when he and I compared my (supposed) "rich" Canadian life with his own, back in early 2013. I'll spare you the details but happy to share the breakdown of our conversation if interested.

It's not too difficult reason, define or even recognize such a new age slavery system if we take a close look at the intricacies of our world today. Our visa systems and movement restrictions are discriminatory at best and inhumane at worst. Limited (andor expensive) access to quality education (and healthcare) are rampant throughout the (so-called) developed and developing nations, which happen to make up the majority of our world. Local currency devaluations and market inflations are worsening on all continents, from Venezuela and Argentina to Canada to South Africa to Lebanon to New Zealand. Forced instabilities and frictions have existed ever since the world was colonized and divided arbitrarily by imaginary lines placed by foreigners standing at a remote office and staring down at a drawing which eventually became an officially accepted map.

To add to this unnecessary divide and facilitate conquests, our very own public tax money is redirected to private pockets, where military toys and weapons are put together and then given back to the general population. Each neighbour then goes out murdering its neighbouring population using these toys, built by our own public money, while private corporations sit back and enjoy the show as they enrich themselves through engineered fear, hate and divide. If that wasn't bad enough, our (their?) leaders are given further power, again using our public tax money, to the point where a single individual can wipe out an entire population at the push of a button. Whether this button launches nuclear warheads or AI-powered technology doesn't really matter anymore. The fact that we not only allow it to happen but actually fund it, should be an obvious question that we should all be asking ourselves! Especially when we have obvious failsafes discussed long ago. Isaac Asimov suggested almost 7 decades ago three simple laws of robotics to ensure our innovations don't turn on us. Yet here we are, funding our governments to continue doing the exact opposite of what these laws demand.

Isn't it time we do something? Isn't it time for a change? Yes, it is possible. We just need to talk it out. Together. All of us. Right here. Right now. Once we have a blueprint of what we envision - what we all want - then we can easily start mapping out transition plans to get ourselves there. It's not impossible. It's actually quite easy. We just need to stop fearing, stop hating, stop shooting - and instead, start talking to one another.

What other option do we have, really. I can't think of one other than continue to follow, continue to do as we're told, and eventually, go extinct.