Is OneHouse free?
OneHouse and all its blueprint projects are currently, and always will remain free for all users.
Onehouse is currently setup on an open source (free) Ubuntu Linux server operating system (latest stable distribution at the time of installation in late 2022). It also uses open sources services including Nginx, MySql/MariaDB, PHP, certbot SSL (auto-renewed), Sendmail and MediWiki. It is running on a virtual server slice that my brother has rented and gifted to a friend currently running a startup that pursues excellent SEG goals, in my opinion. was registered for 10yrs because .TOP is one of the cheapest top-level domains available, nothing more.
Please feel free to contact me if you care to troubleshoot, discuss, recommend andor coordinate any fix or change that you may deem necessary. This way we can ensure a smooth operation for everyone involved.
Long Term Sustainability
Eventually, and if everyone sees how beneficial such a universally inclusive movement can be for everyone, we can reroute various national and international shared service funds, such as (trendily misused) Foreign Aid and UN budgets, directly into transparent and globally administered platforms like this one andor like the free human learning initiative being proposed, all of which can create direct positive impacts on all living things everywhere.
Isn't it time that we humans start investing in ourselves by building solutions that help us improve our lives on a global scale? The logic is simple; a very simple equation that can hardly ever be argued regardless of selflessness or selfish motives: The better off my neighbour, the better off that I am too; for she or he will be less desperate to make drastic decisions that may have negative impacts on everyone, including me.
Or should we remain scared of the oppressive neighbour and continue investing our tax money into military budgets that create destructive tools which we, the masses end up using to kill one another? Or which end up giving further power to single entities andor representatives that have paramount'ly failed their majorities time and time again throughout our recent (and not-so-recent) history, in so many regions around the world? Which flags do they want this or that group/tribe/affiliation to be cheered on andor supported today? Are we not tired of this never-ending game?