Current Synthesis on Value Exchange Medium

Proposed: Pre-Allocated Credits Set Against the Value of a Human Hour
Build a new distributed crypto network that is completely disassociated from today's monetary and stock exchange systems.
Every human obtains an agreed upon value of pre-allocated funds that is sufficient for their lifetime’s worth of basic needs, say 100,000 tokens.
Each token can represent 1 hour of a person’s time, gauged by their individual productivity output.
This approach incentivises the individual to render their hour more productive, in producing whatever they care to produce, generating a truly free and unregulated market of human capital, creativity and passion!
Per-person accounts are capped at an agreed upon value, say 200k.
Each and every excess unit collected is automatically and anonymously redistributed to another account from around the globe.
At death, all personal units are sent to the collective shared services budget (or central global tax repository/treasury).
If such a guideline is accepted but somehow creates an incentive to terminate people for the sake of increasing global credits, then individual credits can be erased at death instead of being rerouted anywhere.

This matter requires attention from folks who are knowledgeable in crypto, computer sciences, bartering, history, negotiations, and so on.

A friend is building a platform called LinkPower, aiming to reward kindness and efforts based on the measurable impact generated by their action(s). The data generated by these actions in varying communities around the world becomes a rhizome of human knowledge, providing lessons learned to anyone, anywhere. I have been supporting this initiative for a few years now and believe is a vital step in the right direction.