Current Synthesis on Personal Growth

Proposed: Human Learning and Development
Humans are innovators. We are explorers and discoverers, constantly learning and growing as we feed off of our existential reality; we are imagination machines who are born curious and hungry for awe. We explore, we discover, and we create, in perpetuity.

Free access to all that we currently hold as collective human knowledge should be made available through efficient learning experiences.
These should include a strong and healthy body, an acutely aware mind, and covering all that a human might care to learn regardless of where they may be located.
Access to such quality learning should always remain freely accessible and available to anyone, anywhere and at anytime.
Maintenance, availability and accessibility costs should be covered by global budgets to ensure equitable dispersion to all.
(In)decent Proposal: Copyright restrictions and all access limitations to information need to be fully eliminated, and a new approach to compensating authors must be formulated, developed and implemented as soon as possible.

See Culture for further considerations of language and religion.

This matter eventually requires attention from everyone, everywhere. We can begin compiling all we know with the help of folks who are knowledgeable in all areas of personal growth, human development, engineering, arts, languages, species evolution, environmental sciences, and so on.

This is my field of study and primary interest, and so I will naturally be focusing the majority of contributions to this section of the Blueprint. That said, I think the following points should likely go under the Discussion tab, but I'm new to MediaWiki and learning the best approach to tackle this global conversation. I'm hoping together, we'll be able to build something that is intuitive, logical, streamlined and effective!, and currently provide access to numerous quality courses from reputed establishments such as Harvard, MIT, and Stanford. These resources provide direct access or AUDIT options that allow you to peruse through all course materials and content for absolutely free.
Establishments like University of the People are working to make fully certifiable tertiary degrees available to the masses in localized languages without leaving their students indebted.

These are a great start towards free access to quality learning; at least if we know what we're looking for. What about the unknown unknowns though, how can we discover and learn about things that we've never heard of or encountered before? What about fundamental knowledge required by those who live in a dry desert, wetlands, tornado alleys, typhoon-ridden, isolated, overpopulated, underpopulated, mountainous, rural, snowy, andor remote areas?
Therein lies the need for an intuitive, human centric learning platform that can help anyone, anywhere, learn anything that they need to learn. A basic graphic interface like WebMD's can provide the necessary UI/UX to allow anyone to click into the possibilities that we can make available for them to learn.

A possible breakdown of all human learning experiences can be considered as a project within a project - or a portfolio of programs and projects. This is neatly explained in the Project Management Body of Knowledge, or the LMBoK, as presented and compiled by They broke down the nature of all projects into 49 processes, tools and techniques, which are then divided into a set of ten knowledge areas and five process groups.
I suggest we aim to neatly encode all learning experiences in a similar fashion, breaking down all learning processes (experiences) into a set of Human Faculties (e.g. health, communication, stem, arts, etc.) vs Developmental Stages (such as Piaget's, for a baseline example).