Proposed user profile format - suggestions are always welcome (that goes for all parts of this platform).


What do you care about most in life at the moment?
>> Mitigating conflict
What is your overarching ultimate goal, at the moment?
>> Creating understanding to help remove unnecessary fears from people's minds. Fear of their future stability, fear for their loved ones, fear of 'the others' who are deemed different and therefore untrustworthy and/or incapable of collaboration, consensus or civil and constructive communication.
How do you WANT to spend your time, at the moment?
>> Building an intuitive, inclusive, universal, empirical, collaborative and engaging learning platform based on everything human beings have come to know to this date, updated in real-time and accessible by anyone, anywhere at zero cost to the learners.

REFLECT: If your answers to these 3 questions don't line up, then there may be room for change and improvement to help you get there - if you care enough to do just that.

ENVISION: If you can for just a moment COMPLETELY forget the way the world is today, everything and everyone in it, and instead imagine your most ideal environment, how would you personally describe it?
>> I see a healthy intertwined and interdependent environment full of beings who are all aware and understanding of one another's needs, where human individuals had access to all the tools and support they needed to have explored their fullest potential by ages 11-17, all of whom are more than ready to focus on exactly what it is they choose to focus on at any given point in their lives. For example, they can all be as ready and prepared as any rocket scientist may be ready for a mission to mars, but just as free and ready to express and nurture their creative capacities for the remainder of their lives.

PLAN AND ACT: So now, what are the steps we can take to make YOUR vision a reality? Utopian? Perhaps yes, but real change begins with a controversial vision. If we can't envision something different than what we have today, then we will spend our lives doing the same thing every day and expecting change - the definition of insanity, according to some who were considered "smart people" in our human history.

IMAGINE: "You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope one day, you will join us, and the world will be as one." - The singer wasn't wrong. Life doesn't have to be difficult and miserable; all we need to do is talk about it to figure it out. Today, we have all the tools we need to talk this out and fix all of our problems, so what are we waiting for?

INTERESTS AND EXPERTISE: What can you do and what would you like to do?
>> I registered for 10yrs because .TOP is one of the cheapest top-level domains to register, and epangea represents global unity and was available (I've concocted numerous names in the past such as HumanCurriculum, LifeManagementBodyOfKnowledge or LMBoK, LilBlueMarble, How to Train a Human, etc. Some were new back in the day but now in use for other purposes, some were already being used for other purposes, some were just inappropriate I suppose).
>> I installed and configured MediaWiki on a linlux server that my brother had configured for a friend of mine to run their professional site (free open source software including MediaWiki and LAMP; free certbot ssl that's autorenewed; all of which hosted on a paid-for server by my brother as a gift to support a friend)
>> I configured the basic requirements to run MediaWiki on (One House or more accurately, "1 Ouse" is what many of my friends in Sierra Leone use to say when we jammed together; they engraved it on my djembe that I had made while I was there; they were referred to as "the beach boys" by many middle-upper class expats who feared them, considering them local robbers and trouble-makers. Most of these young men had ended up on the beach, cleaning it every Sunday in exchange for a place to stay and live, too ashamed to return to their mothers back in their native countries after having failed to acquire some financial gains that they had sought after in these foreign lands - story of so many all over the world, told in various ways and structures, but all with the same heartaches, challenges and objectives: make mom happy and proud.)