Rewriting Reality - The Discussion Kickoff
Imagine being a newborn baby with no knowledge of what life is like; only that you will (likely) live your entire life on this planet we call Earth. How would you want life to be? What would you create, build, engineer, design, explore, or how would you spend your time? How would you want your mother or father or daughter or son or friend or neighbour or stranger to be spending their time? How would you help them live, if you cared to?
Today, our vote can be our own voice. We no longer need to vote for someone to speak on our behalf. We have learned to express ourselves, to exchange ideas in dialogue with others, no matter who they are and no matter where they stand on this planet. We can all speak for ourselves, no matter how uncomfortable the topic may be.
Those who cannot, yet, have access to free quality tools that can develop these abilities. We can support one another in this process, rather than judge our various inabilities, which we all begin with. Neuroplasticity tells us that we all have the capacity to learn whatever we choose to learn. Let's at the very least ensure that we all learn some minimum commonality in sense, reasoning and logic. That's if we consider ourselves civilized. If, we consider ourselves an intelligent species.
The alternative is that we continue fighting under false pretenses, assumptions, misinformation, misguidance, greed, fear, hate, and other nonsense that we continue to accept as our status quo. No one is more intelligent than another. It is all privilege. The privilege to have been loved and cared for. The starving or uneducated or simply "different" child or adult on the other side of the planet is no less intelligent, only underprivileged and often manipulated.
We are all a product of our environment, the same way "they" are. We all have a capacity for intelligence, the same way "they" do. Let's use this capacity to rewrite how the world works. Nothing is stopping us except ourselves and our misguided beliefs, fed to us through generations of masterful propaganda. Time to do better.