The KISS Principle
Keep it simple and straightforward (KISS) has various other versions and meanings, but the point remains the same: Beauty in Simplicity!
Heated debates with an open policy for all viewpoints, perspectives, and contrasting arguments will always be welcome, even encouraged. Such diversity in thought and opinion is the very source of our growth in unity.
Please keep your contributions civil, constructive and collaborative. There will be zero tolerance for indecency andor abuse. Everyone's time is precious; yours too. Please don't waste it away.
Nothing Worthwhile Is Easy to Come by
Collaboration amongst many is exponentially more difficult and may seem exhausting, inefficient andor ineffective - and yet, Wikipedia made it work!
Equally inherently, the more voices join this dialogue, the less biased the Blueprint will be.
Focus on the logic and soundness of the arguments put forward and the evidence presented to support these views.
Logical fallacies will be flagged. If repeat misleading behaviour becomes evident and ill intentions are underlined, the global community can apply whatever consequences are deemed just and fair relative to the given situation at hand. I suggest a minimum of 70% agreement before any consequences are applied, ensuring some form of minimal universal agreement.
Not Feeling Able to Join the Conversation?
Free resources are available on sites like, and if you need to learn the art of collaboration, civility, constructive dialogue and openly rich, fallacy-free rational debate.
Once you're ready, your thoughts will always be welcome on here, no matter who you are or where you currently stand.